Natural Face Lift Massage and Facial Rejuvenation
"It was the most wonderful mind clearing experience, I feel refreshed and renewed."
We know that exercise makes us feel better, our bodies need, and thrive, on it.
BUT there is a bit (an important bit!) of our bodies that we don't exercise...
Our face!
We use our faces all the time, they never rest.
When do you exercise yours?
You have spent a lifetime subconsciously gathering your trademark expressions.
It's the face equivalent of spending weeks sitting on a sofa.
Your face needs exercise too!
The best bit about this exercise is that nothing is required from you.
No step counters, no mean personal trainers, no annoying machinery.
You simply lie down while I do all the work.
You remain dressed, except for your shoes.
No oils or creams are used so your hair and face won't get greasy.
You don't even need to remove your make up.
Spoil yourself, you deserve it, and your face will thank you!
0207 828 1910 or WhatsApp 07976 955 268

"My friends keep asking why I look so different" Maria